HSC GPA Calculator

Do you know about HSC GPA Calculator? It is a great tool to calculate your HSC Result GPA online. By this tool you can calculate your HSC GPA with no time. Many ask a common question “how to calculate GPA of HSC result”, for them we made this great calculator named HSC Result Calculator. This tool will help you to calculate your HSC GPA quickly.

HSC GPA Calculator

Select Group
Grade Format
Select Grade
Subject And Point






Information Technology





If you are a Student of SSC, you can check our SSC GPA Calculator by which you can quickly calculate your SSC GPA online.

Table of Contents

HSC GPA Grading System

Marks Range Grade Points Grade
80 – 100 5.00 A+
70 – 79 4.00 A
60 – 69 3.50 A-
50 – 59 3.00 B
40 – 49 2.00 C
33 – 39 1.00 D
0 – 32 0.00 F

HSC Means

HSC means Higher Secondary Certificate. It’s a public exam in Bangladesh. Students after completing class 11 and 12 sit on HSC Exam. It is very important factor for University admission. In English medium A level is similar to HSC Exam.

How to calculate HSC GPA Online

Follow the Steps to Calculate GPA

  1.  First, Select Group
  2.  Then, Select Grade Format
  3.  Select your Subject Name
  4.  Now Select your Grade/Point
  5.  Finally, Click on the Calculate Button

HSC Result GPA Calculation process is very simple. First total up the points including 4th subject. Then subtract 3 from there and divide it by the subject number. If you want more easy method to calculate HSC GPA online Bangladesh, you can scroll below.

Step 1: First, Select Group

HSC GPA Calculator Step 1
HSC GPA Calculator Step 1

Before going on the main calculator, At first, select your HSC study group. If it is science, select science, If it is Business studies, select Business, otherwise select Humanities.

Step 2: Then, Select Grade Format

HSC GPA Calculator Step 2
HSC GPA Calculator Step 2

Now, its time to select Grade format. If you want to enter your result as point, click on point. there you can write your point, otherwise select grade and select your grade by drop down menu.

Step 3: Select your Subject Name

HSC GPA Calculator Step 3
HSC GPA Calculator Step 3

Then, you need to select your subject name. Select religious subject. Here by default Islam is selected. Next select your 4th subject, which here Agricultural Studies is selected.

Step 4: Now Select your Grade/Point

HSC GPA Calculator Step 4
HSC GPA Calculator Step 4

After selecting subject, provide or select your Grade or point. You must be careful when entering the grades. Avoid mistakes here.

Step 5: Finally, Click on the Calculate Button

HSC GPA Calculator Step 5
HSC GPA Calculator Step 5

At last, click on the button named “Calculate”. It will calculate your GPA and will show the result below.

About HSC GPA Calculator

HSC examination is an incredibly crucial exam for students. Every year lots of students participate in HSC exams. This year about thirteen lakh sixty-five thousand sixty-nine students have taken part in the HSC examination. Since many students take part in HSC, they get worried about calculating their results. In this article, we will talk about the HSC GPA calculator and the grading system.

These various changes have been created to the rules of the HSC examination. The reason is the coronavirus. There has been an enormous change in the portion of the syllabus of this year’s examinations.  

HSC students have six subjects in total and each of these subjects has two parts. Students can use a mobile calculator to calculate GPA except for HSC fourth subject. First, except for the fourth subject, they need to add the points obtained in each subject. Then they have to divide the sum by the number of subjects. Students can easily find out the points in this way.

They also can get their results online. With the online calculator, they only have to select their subjects. Automatically, they get their results within a few minutes.


We provided the HSC grading system calculator to help students to make their results good. If they learn the grading system they can help each other to find out the result quickly. We hope this post “HSC GPA Calculator” will help them enough to know about the calculator. If anyone needs to know anything about this calculator, please feel free to ask us.

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